
The Ten-Speed™ concept was fully realized when a cycler almost pedaled into the side of the President’s car one day. After skidding out and toppling over, the water bottles in the elastic pockets of the cycler’s jersey remained secure. Soon mag holders were developed using a similar concept, bringing forth the Ten-Speed™ line.
Elastic mag holders were originally thought of as semi-disposable and expected to only last a few months, but we would soon discover otherwise. After several deployments, some of the prototypes requested back for evaluation - though tattered and sandy - were still going secure and strong. Other beta testers refused to give up their Ten-Speed.
The elastic nature of the Ten-Speed™ pouches allows extreme modularity by accepting different items than just magazines. From Israeli Bandages, to smoke grenades to cans of dip or energy drink–if it fits, it's good to go.